Join us very soon at FIA Bangkok

From 11 to 13 September 2019, Nactis Flavours will be attending the Food Ingredients Asia fair in Bangkok. We are looking to meeting you to let you discover our innovative products inspired by iconic Asian tastes.

What is FIA?

For more than twenty years, FIA is the largest gathering of ingredient suppliers from the ASEAN region. It is the perfect opportunity to discover innovations from 750 exhibitors from the world over and to develop a major network with more than 20 000 food industry companies in the ASEAN region. Visiting the fair is also an ideal way to be kept aware of the emerging trends, challenges and opportunities in the most dynamic region in the world.

Our innovations:

Seasonings for snacks:

  • The inevitable soya sauce
  • The iconic Tom Yum
  • The creative spicy beef


  • The surprising lime & pepper
  • The tasty 5 spices



Practical Information

Food Ingredients Asia

Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)

88 Debaratana road (km.1)

Bangna Tai, Bangna

Bangkok 10260 Thaïlande


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